Expanding Consciousness - Enhancing Lives

Dalila Divine

I invite you to play with me and safely explore the world of Tantric Wellness.

During our time together you will explore breath & bodywork, search the depths of your being, indulge your senses and discover pure pleasure. You will be able to embrace divine love and unleash your divine potential while releasing stress and letting go of mundane affairs.

Your presence is requested in this sacred space of life.

It would be my true honor to experience this evolutionary Tantric journey to heaven on earth with you. I work best with women, men and couples who are ready to flow with their natural rhythm and realize the beauty and blessings in all things.

Feel free to contact me as you desire. I’m looking forward to sharing with you!

Divine Tantric Wellness Is...

a beautiful fusion of Tantra Yoga principles and wholistic wellness practices.  It serves as the bases of all of my offerings and includes mind-body-spirit therapies for optimal wellness and high quality living.  Intended to serve as a vehicle to higher states of awareness and energetic well-being, it takes a practical approach to safely exploring your supernatural self.


I Am…Dalila (duh-lee-lah)

A Gentle Soul. The Embodiment of Love. Your Guide to Wholistic Wellness and Sensual Bliss.


Having a strong passion for all things wholistic wellness I am intrigued by the mind-body-spirit connection. As a Licensed Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor and Wholistic Wellness Coach I am using my education, training, talents and innate gifts, to assist individuals on their personal journeys to optimal wellness and a high vibrating life. This is my Divine mission in this time and space. Although, I have studied and practiced various Yogic philosophies and Tantric arts for over thirteen years, most of the knowledge I have gained comes intuitively from what I refer to as Source or God and my personal and professional experiences. I am realizing the fruits and reaping the benefits of using transmuted energy. It brings me great joy to realize it in the lives of those I play with.


Wellness Warrior – Gentle Guide – Bliss Mistress – Peace Whisper

Tantra is a pathway, not just to sexual ecstasy but to personal healing and fulfillment.

– Andrew Barnes

Divine Tantric Wellness Rites of Passage Program

The Divine Tantric Wellness, Rites of Passage Program is my featured signature program.  Each rite represents a level of learning and serves as an opening or gateway to a path on your tantric wellness journey. Divine Tantric Wellness initiations have objectives for learning and a general framework but do not flow in the same patterns and include the same techniques and practices for every initiate.  Each session offers its own energy, no one session is like another. Tantric rituals are sacred and customized to the connection and present energy flow during a session. What will happen in a session is usually unknown prior to the session with the exception of an initial primary focus. All sessions include energy, breath and bodywork.  Although intentions are declared for each meet, we expect that initiates will have no other expectations but to experience freedom and pure bliss. We desire for all initiates to trust, allow and surrender to divine energy and allow the flow of the session to reveal itself in due time.

Tantric Wellness Taster– 1.5 hrs. $160 (includes 30 minute coaching conversation and 60 minutes of practical application)  This offering is perfect for those who are unsure about committing to the complete program.  

Complete Rites of Passage Program for Individuals– 7 sessions, 2 hrs. each, 14 hrs. total= $2100 (installment plan available)

Complete Rites of Passage Program for Couples– 7 sessions, 2 hrs. each, 14 hrs. total= $2450 (installment plan available)


Learn More



Cuddle Session Add-On

Receive nurturing touch and comforting embrace with this intentional cuddle time devoted to you.  Be swaddled in tender love and care as you relax in silence, listen to soothing sounds, sleep, read, or watch.  This treatment creates harmony within and can produce feelings of happiness, reduce stress and lower blood pressure. 30 minutes= $35 45 minutes= $50 60 minutes= $60 75 minutes= $75 90 minutes= $90 120 minutes= $120

Energy Wellness Coaching

The Higher Dimensions Energy Wellness Coaching Program involves a self paced yet interactive and engaging approach to achieving and maintaining optimal wellness, wholistically(mind-body-spirit).  It involves bodywork, energywork and breathwork practices that are purposed to lead to higher levels of consciousness and a stronger connection to one’s higher power.   This personal coaching program focuses on building energy, increasing vitality and personal power for a high quality life.   Self awareness activities, Tantric Wellness principles and Universal Laws as it relates to co-creating the life you desire are incorporated into its framework.   All in all, these practices along with knowledge, understanding and realizations assists the coachee in achieving new heights in life and well-being.   Simply put this means optimal wellness by way of the following benefits:

  • managed stress
  • increased energy
  • increased drive and focus
  • boosted immune system
  • boosted morale and self esteem
  • emotionally in control

8-12 sessions by phone, Skype or in-person , 60-75 minutes each $90/session

Contemporary Yoga

Inspired by the Take Time Wholly Trinity Wholistic Wellness Program, Contemporary Yoga takes you on a personal journey to living well through the mind-body medium.  These sessions will focus on best practices and support in various areas of wellness including mental, physical and spiritual wellness, relaxation, exercise, breathing, nutrition, positive thinking and meditation. Contemporary Yoga unites the mind and body with meditation through movement.  It is a modern approach to traditional yoga with free exploration. Contemporary yoga is a fun, safe, open, supportive, non judgmental environment where experiences are shared and yoga leads the way by building steps to success in wellness.  

Group Yoga Session  $10/person Private Yoga Session  $60

Semi Private Yoga Sessions $25-$30/person (limited to three people)  

Each session lasts approximately one hour please allow an additional 15 minutes for intake and transition.

Play With Me

7 + 10 =

The First Step To Divine Tantric Wellness =

an initial coaching conversation to explore interest and determine compatibility.

Note:  This is complimentary, required prior to booking a session and may be up to 30 minutes in duration.